Friday, March 11, 2011

The last bite

The last mouthful of a good meal is akin to a self-indulgent envoi of an epicure’s gustatory ballade.  Setting it up is similar to reining musical chords into a crescendo and closing them out a piacere. It is, pardon me, the last pop before the breakup.

Crucial in every repast, this culmination is a personal experience that is distinct from the satisfaction derived from the whole served fare. The act can actually intensify the overall quality of the food, while a non-occurrence could dampen the rest of one’s day.

The process, nonetheless, is merely an attempt to imprint residual flavors to the taste buds and the mind. Hit or miss, it remains essential and has frivolously become procedural.


“All these because of a tentacle of a grilled calamaro?”

“Mantle, not tentacle,”

“A mantecle?”

“Oh c’mon! You took the last slice and it’s part of my last bite.”


“Oh my gosh! Are you mad?”


The last bite can be typically divided into four phases: the reveal, the jamboree, the drum roll, and the pledge or the deed itself. (The first step was probably called a reveille but my source insists it is not.)

The reveal begins during the windup of the meal or when the plate is half-empty. At this stage, the remaining contents are taken into account to approximate the size of the last spoonful and the balance of the possible combination of flavors. For instance, there should be just the right amount of sauce to cover the last slice of meat, or enough steamed rice or bread to absorb the extra zing of a complementing dish.


“Could be half-full?”

“That glass conjecture doesn’t apply now.”

“Why not?”

“One, this is a not a case of perception.”

“It is! It may not be about determining optimism …”

“Two, when I reach three you won’t hear the rest of it”

“or pessimism. But in all intents and purposes……”

“Two and a half--”


The jamboree and the drum roll follow after the survey of what will be ultimately consumed is completed.

All the pieces are readied for one dig during the jamboree. The food is carefully set on the side of the plate and is loaded onto the spoon.

The drum roll is when a moment is taken to compose the self to relish the experience.  


“Too trivial. You’re crazy.”

“Everyone does this.”

“On every meal?”

"Some make the sign of the cross 'fore eating without actually imagining the crucifixion."


The dominant school of thought claims that the last bite should always be a good honest mouthful. Others contend it is one teaspoonful more.


“I wish I could take a picture of you now. That look on your face is priceless”

“It’s not funny. I’ve programmed my mind to that last bite!”

“Hahaha, oh you’re so easy. “

“Not funny.”


“Here it is, pet. It’s still here on my plate.”

Another beat.

“Nah, you can have it.”

“Hmm, take it pet, you know I won't ruin it for you."

"Ok, thanks."

"I’ve just emptied your soda glass anyway.”


Finally, the pledge. 

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